Tidal — Philippa Moore Blog — Philippa Moore

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this week and last week

The last strawberries!

Well, this week has turned into last week and last week turned into the week before last in the blink of an eye!

Sorry everyone. I have constant deadlines at the moment, as well as a few other stressful things happening behind the scenes which I don’t feel at liberty to discuss publicly so yes, needless to say, life has been and probably will continue to be hectic. But I’m trying to hold on to this space I’ve carved out for myself, to record the small details of life as I’m living it now. One day this will be the past and I’ll be glad I took the time to put it all down. One year can turn into five so quickly.

A few days ago we lit the fire in the house for the first time since December. It’s quite cold now in the evenings and the mornings - whenever the sun isn’t out, basically. I think I’ve picked the last strawberries. The autumnal air is still slightly tinged with the last breath of summer, but soon it will be woodsmoke, piles of leaves, earth being turned over.

This is an in-between time, I’ve come to realise - much like September is in the northern hemisphere, so is March in the south. Summer is definitely over, but we’re not quite in full-blown autumn yet. I’m still drinking crisp and cold white wine but craving the warmth and sweetness of a fruit crumble. Soaking up the sun, and even still sporting a tan in places, but also savouring the coziness of a favourite jumper, which is now always within easy reach.


Handing in 20,000 words to my supervisors, on time! I looked at the “Properties” of the Word document I submitted…7,076 minutes have been spent on the document, which translates to nearly 118 hours. It didn’t feel like it! And yet when my head hits the pillow every night, I sleep the sleep of the truly spent.

Writing and sipping tea in a colonial house merely metres away from where my character would have sipped tea too, two hundred years ago.

A catchup with a dear friend of 37 years over proper chai and vegan peanut butter cookies the size of our heads. I am godmother to her son, who will be 18 this year. It doesn’t feel that long ago that we were celebrating our own 18ths!

Figs I grew featured on the cheese platter! They were delicious with a piece of aged cashew cheese on top.

A much-loved aunt and uncle visiting from interstate, whom I hadn’t seen since 2019, coming round for drinks and nibbles. Like Tom and I, they have had to weather the tempests of other people’s opinions and judgements for taking unconventional paths in life, so it was really wonderful to spend a few hours catching up. I so enjoyed seeing them and feel very lucky to have them in my life. I think we’ll be a lot like this aunt and uncle in 30 years time…well, I hope so.

The open garden scheme run by Home Harvest last weekend, where we got to see five local backyard gardens and what the clever inhabitants had managed to achieve with them. I loved seeing pear and apple trees laden with fruit, beans climbing up frames, abundant patches of kale, silverbeet, beetroot, tomatoes and snow peas. I was so inspired. And reassured to see that many other Hobart gardeners have rogue pumpkins and potatoes too!


Just a few books I’ve devoured when I’ve not been chained to my desk…

I want to make particular note of Alison Croggon’s Monsters which might be my favourite book I’ve read this year. I devoured it in a day, could barely tear myself away from it. It was so poetically and cleverly written - taking the personal (a painful estrangement from her sister) and placing it within a wider global and cultural context, exploring how the “monsters” of racism, colonialism, privilege, white supremacy, and patriarchy have played out in the family history and in the eventual broken and dysfunctional dynamic Alison found herself in and how these attitudes have shaped her. She writes about how life for most white people who have grown up in the structures of colonialism and patriarchy becomes a series of convenient fictions, because we can’t find it in ourselves to truly acknowledge what horrific systems we are a part of - this is true of dysfunctional families as well. Alison thoughtfully and unflinchingly considers the “monsters” of her own life and psyche, her family and colonial Britain, which of course includes Australia, and, naturally, there are no neat endings or easy answers. It’s fascinating. I highly, highly recommend it.

I’ve also been enjoying Tamar Adler’s An Everlasting Meal which was mentioned in Diem Tran’s excellent newsletter a few weeks back. It’s all about cooking with economy and grace, with so many ideas for making the most of ingredients. I am loving it! Perfect bedtime reading.

The Guardian: Seven tips for eating well on a solo budget and yet another stolen generation.

Women’s Agenda: Michelle Yeoh’s epic win and call to women and girls (don’t let anyone ever tell you you’re past your prime!)

The Weekend Australian: A profile of one of my favourite novelists, who has a memoir coming out, and it sounds fascinating.

Listening to

I have been really enjoying Sarah Cahill’s The Future is Female, a three-volume series which celebrates and highlights women composers from the 17th century to the present day. It’s all piano music too, which I love! Wonderful writing music.

My inner autumn playlist, which naturally then went into winter, and now spring! But because the weather is so autumnal, I’m leaning back on the autumn playlist. I may or may not have mentioned but Tom and I use TIDAL, which is to our minds the most ethical of the current music streaming services, in that it does pay the artists.


What the garden gave me one Thursday afternoon…..

The garden has been surprisingly prolific! The fig tree has been full of ripe fruit. I have given two bags away to a neighbour and a friend, and still have managed to have one or two each day sliced on pancakes, into a smoothie or just enjoyed on its own. Yesterday I picked another bowl:

Which I then roasted with white wine, brown sugar, cinnamon and star anise. They turned out beautifully and are so delicious. They’re now being stored in the fridge for this week’s breakfasts. I’ll be eating them with coconut yoghurt and granola, or on top of porridge. Yum!

I was also happy to see some of my own tomatoes in the garden finally turning red!

Picked quite a few zucchini too, which I’ve used in my cooking throughout the week. There are at least three more budding on the plant in the garden.

And then I woke up this morning to find a bag of vegetables - kale, silverbeet, more zucchini and more tomatoes - from my parents on the doorstep. They must have come past at an hour they knew we’d still be in bed! Kale and silverbeet are going in a soup tonight and the tomatoes might get made into a kasundi….


The last few weeks’ cooking and eating has been centred around making the most of the seasonal produce! I roasted a big tray of vegetables, which we enjoyed with pan-fried gnocchi; sautéed zucchini into buttery softness which becomes a wonderful pasta sauce; made bruschetta which is my favourite way to enjoy a glut of fresh tomatoes, from my garden or someone else’s; turned leftover porridge into pancakes which I topped with tahini, maple syrup, coconut yoghurt and fresh figs from the tree; a tofu scramble which was divine; a butter bean curry from Natural Flava which was delicious but so hot (1 tablespoon of curry powder next time rather than two, I think!)

I also did some baking with my zucchini and fig glut this weekend - chocolate courgette/zucchini cake from The Vegan Baking Bible with a lovely chocolate ganache icing on top, the usual banana bread with grated zucchini added, and the aforementioned roasted figs with spices and a pinot gris we didn’t like enough to drink but seems to be OK to cook with. In the banana bread and the figs, I used my favourite spice which was sent as a surprise from a kind friend in Melbourne. It arrived on a day I really needed cheering up and while she could not possibly have known that, she also somehow did in the way that kindred spirits always do.

And, of course, there were a few nights were we were too exhausted to do anything other than cook frozen dumplings or heat up leftover pasta and fall into a TV stupor! No need for photos of that. But know that it happens!


Chai. Proper chai. It’s all I want to drink in autumn.


We got Binge in anticipation of the new season of Succession so not only have we rewatched season 3 so we remember what’s happened (!) but we finally caught up on the 2022 season of Masterchef UK, which has been one of my favourite shows for years. It was superb! Really loved seeing John and Gregg again, how well they nurture talent, and how inclusive this series was - it made me very happy to see a Deaf woman in the heats (it would have made my grandmother very happy too). It made me a little homesick for the UK too - or maybe nostalgic is the better word. Seeing familiar brands of foodstuffs I used to buy (though they always blur out the logos?!), remembering dishes I used to cook and the kinds of wonderful and different ingredients you could get. Great fun!

Likewise, have used getting Binge as an excuse to catch up on Call the Midwife, which is as wonderful and comforting and heart-wrenching as ever. One of my favourites!

As for films, I adored Maggie’s Plan, which Tom surprised me with - wonderfully written and acted, and really thought provoking. I love films set in New York City with quirky characters who are writers and academics, so this film was me to a tee.

It was a nice antidote to In Bruges, which we both watched for the first time the night before. I remember posters for it being all over the tube in London in 2008 when it first came out, but we never saw it until now. It was a bit too violent for me and hadn’t aged well - very homophobic with lots of ableist and fatphobic slurs that are just simply unacceptable, even if you’re trying to illustrate how repugnant a character is. Apparently, it’s supposed to symbolise purgatory - a setting that has always fascinated me, ever since I read T.S Eliot’s The Wasteland way back when. So even though The Banshees of Inisherin has won a lot of acclaim and I’m intrigued, as it’s the same team, I’m not sure it will be my cup of tea! But we’ll see.

We also watched Ford vs Ferrari which I surprisingly enjoyed. The race was a nail biter!

Wearing/ USING

I’ve been writing with my new metallic lilac Lamy fountain pen, which I treated myself to with some of my Van Diemen History Prize prize money. Every time I write with it, I try and remind myself I am an award-winning writer. It quiets the inner critic who has certainly not disappeared. I’m determined to keep it at bay and allow gratitude, humility and hope to be my guiding stars.

It keeps dawning on me - I am in what is likely my final year of my PhD. I am really trying to enjoy it because I have actually been working towards this my entire life. I want to remember as much and soak up as much as I can, and not be robbed of my pleasure and joy by fear, anxiety and self doubt, as I have been for so many years. I have let those things keep me small for long enough. I have also let the judgment of insecure people in the cheap seats keep me small for long enough. Now, the idea of playing small is more painful than the vulnerability of putting my hand up, of saying things out loud. It’s more painful than the risk that I’ll give it everything and it still won’t be enough. I don’t care about that anymore. I do not want to look back on this time with regrets. I want to make the most of every opportunity. People have said “if you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t expect anyone else to” to me for years but I finally understand how very, very true that is. And let’s face it, self doubt just gets very fucking boring after a while!

Grateful for

Everything. Like I said above, I’m trying to make gratitude my default position, even in the face of painful or inconvenient happenings. It really helps.

Quote of the week

“Half of life is lost in charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play. You’ve played enough.” - Rumi

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this post, or anything else, with me, please do! I hope you’re enjoying it getting warmer where you are, or finding things to savour about autumn as it gets cooler, like me! See you soon xx

Please note: this blog post has affiliate links with retailers such as Booktopia which means I may receive a commission for a sale that I refer, at no extra cost to you.

this week

Is it really summer? Tasmania hasn’t got the memo. I’ve put the winter sheets back on the bed, we’ve had snow on the mountain and yet I harvested this giant bowl of strawberries! It’s so odd.

A lot of people I know have finished work for the year and I hope this week might hold some slowing down for me and Tom too. I don’t wear this as a badge of honour, I will just share in the spirit of how I’ve always tried to be online, which is as honest, authentic and unguarded as one dares to be on the internet - it’s hard for me to rest. It’s something I feel I have to earn, and I am never entirely sure if I have. There is a dark side to being driven, ambitious and disciplined - you are afraid to ever stop in case the momentum disappears. This is something I really want to work on over the next year. And there I go again, using the word work and making it a project!

Favourite experience/s of the week

Babysitting our nephew, who is nearly three months old and the sweetest little boy. I had Bach’s Brandenberg concertos playing when he was dropped off, which I switched to Baby Shark, thinking that’s what he’d prefer…. but his dear little face screwed up and he seemed a bit restless! I put Bach back on and he was much happier, and barely made a squeak after that. He’s such a placid, happy little guy! His big sister came by after she was finished at the dentist and, a bit like me when I was her age, went looking through the pantry for things to eat. I keep forgetting to get kid friendly stuff in - all I could offer was dried apricots and vegan banana bread, which was low-sugar and had too much cinnamon in for her palate! One of my aunties had a similar pantry when I was a child - only healthy snacks, no junk food. I adore that aunty and must have subconsciously modelled myself on her for, 35 years later, I am now the aunt with healthy food in her pantry…and who plays Bach when the kids come round! I find it highly amusing. Spending time with the two youngest of our nieces and nephews is always the highlight of any week, they are the sweetest children.

Speaking of children, another high point of the week was hearing that a dear friend of mine had a baby girl on Monday. She sent me a video of baby sleeping and I could not cope with the cute!


My weekly trip to the library - always a joy to spot your own book on the shelves! It never gets old :) And what an honour to be next to Captain Sir Tom.

I received an ARC of a new memoir, All My Wild Mothers: Motherhood, loss and an apothecary garden by Victoria Bennett and I am quite spellbound by it. Poetic, compelling, heartbreaking yet hopeful, it’s beautifully written and I am quite in awe of Bennett’s strength and resilience, creating something beautiful out of life’s inevitable grief and harshness. I’m planning to read the rest during the day rather than at bedtime, as I read until nearly 1am the first night I picked it up!

Ann Patchett’s These Precious Days was one of my favourite books of 2021 and this week I read This is The Story of a Happy Marriage, an earlier collection of essays, just as interesting, funny, moving and incisive about life and the human condition. She is fast becoming one of my favourite writers.

Continuing to dip in and out of Red Comet: The Short Life and Blazing Art of Sylvia Plath which I mentioned last week and am enjoying so much. Also nearly finished with Stolen Focus which is terrifying and reassuring at the same time!

All other reading was PhD related! Particularly enjoyed getting my teeth into this.

Listening to

This week I participated in an Inner Peace challenge on Insight Timer which I wasn’t expecting to get as much out of as I actually did. There were so many enlightening moments of comfort and wisdom, including this week’s Quote!

TIDAL put together a “new for you” playlist, showcasing brand new tracks from all my favourite artists and there are some bangers on there! Especially loved this one from Ben Böhmer and this one from Matthew Halsall. Tom and I are still deciding on our Albums of the Year - sometimes we pick the same one, but most years it’s different. A lot of albums I’ve discovered this year were in fact released last year!

Best Friend Therapy: Dreams - why do we dream? How can they help us? And what on earth did Elizabeth’s dream mean? This was a fascinating episode which involved some “live” therapy as Emma worked with Elizabeth to interpret the hidden meaning in a vivid dream she had had. I found it really useful to view everything and everyone that appears in your dreams as various aspects of your subconcious, not the literal people (very reassuring!).

The First Time: Masters Series: George Saunders - such a lovely man whose wise, reassuring insights into the craft of writing are revered not just by me but by so many. I really enjoyed this and it encouraged me to pick A Swim in A Pond in The Rain again, which I’ve dipped in and out of infrequently over the past year.

Otherwise, just a shit ton of Christmas music! My Christmas playlist heavily favours the Bing Crosby/Ella Fitzgerald/Louis Armstrong/Brat Pack versions of the modern carols, but there’s also some jazz instrumentals, Taylor Swift, Julia Stone and a gorgeous rendition of my favourite Coventry Carol by Kate Miller-Heidke, Jess Hitchcock, Alice Keath, Marlon Williams and Paul Kelly. I also love the King’s College Cambridge choir and Kate Rusby’s The Frost is All Over.


I made a gorgeous vegan Victoria sponge for a dear friend’s birthday on Tuesday - I used this recipe from Tesco as a base and it was brilliant. I’ll test it a few more times before I write it up but I thought it was a real winner! With fresh strawberries from my garden, it was such a delicious treat. Most of it went home with the birthday lady but I think there’s a piece left in the fridge…

Otherwise, because it’s been so damn freezing our dinners have been mostly of the warming and comforting variety, not quite what I expected for this time of year! The poor lettuce in the fridge may end up getting turned into soup at this rate! I made my favourite soup this week, as well as the following:

Tinned tomato risotto - a household favourite we hadn’t had for some time. As delicious, comforting and easy to make as always!

A pasta I made up - roasted tomatoes, walnuts and basil blended and tossed through wholewheat spaghetti.

Breadmaker bread made with Australian bush herbs, sun-dried tomatoes and green Sicilian olives.

Rachel Ama’s roast cauliflower curry from her book One Pot: Three Ways - we also had the Quinoa Pad Thai from the same book this week.

I made one of the most ambrosial meals I’ve had all year this week, one evening when Tom was out. I had read about a delicious-sounding tomato gochujang pasta in Sonya’s newsletter which I didn’t think would be quite to my beloved’s taste but that was right up my alley. I had a perfectly sized portion of pasta for one in a packet waiting to be used up and, in anticipation, I bought some Lauds cultured oat butter from Hill Street Grocer which, sidenote, is also incredible.

The recipe is from Joy Cho and I followed it to the letter but I veganised it - using the above mentioned butter, nutritional yeast, vegan “chicken style” stock and oat cream. To be honest, the only thing I missed was the Parmesan. Otherwise, it was stunning. I didn’t even take a picture of it, that’s how keen I was to tuck in. With this plate of pasta and an episode of Belgravia on ABC iview to watch, I was in heaven. There was enough sauce for another serve, but instead of cooking more pasta I just thinned it out with more stock the next day and had it as a creamy spicy tomato soup. Incredible. I will be making it again and in all honesty I think even Tommy would like it - his tolerance for chilli is a lot greater than it used to be!

Christmas cooking is in full swing! I’ve made a pear, apple and harissa chutney and Nigella’s vegan gingerbread so far. I’ve just got the vegan brownies and a few other things to do. I hope I don’t run out of time!


We enjoyed a gorgeous Gibson ‘The Dirtman’ shiraz from the Barossa with our Friday night pasta - we were lucky enough to visit that winery back in January 2020 (where the picture is from!). Always a winner! It was the most I’ve enjoyed a bottle of wine for a while.

Something I’ve really enjoyed about blogging again is writing about my life rather than just captions for photos, which is what I did prior to stepping away from social media this year. I would have loved to have written about our trip to Western and South Australia in the way I do now. Is there an argument for doing a retrospective post? Or shall we just use it as an excuse to recreate the trip…?


Gorgeous homegrown strawberries! I managed to get 350g into this bowl, which I used in the aforementioned birthday cake, in smoothies and then froze the rest once they started getting soft in the fridge. It’s interesting how homegrown fruit deteriorates faster than what you buy at the supermarket (is it the lack of chemicals, I wonder?). There’s more fruit to pick now, and birds to shoo away from them! But the pinwheels seem to be doing the trick for now.

In the side garden, lots of silverbeet and spinach shoots are coming up, the potato tower has another load of compost added, and tiny peas are starting to appear on the vines. I’ve planted more peas and beans, and I’ve noticed rogue tomatoes, potatoes and what looks like pumpkin starting to peek through. I just need the weather to warm up and maybe things will really spring into action.


SO many Christmas movies!

Last Christmas - We all know the Wham! Christmas anthem “Last Christmas”….but what if someone really did give you their heart?! I won’t say too much more as I’ll spoil it but if you love Christmas movies, especially Christmas movies set in London, you will adore this. Tom and I discovered it last year and it was wonderful to watch it again this Christmas - we laughed and cried throughout this watch of it. It’s a beautiful film that perfectly captures the London we lived in. Full of beauty….but also piles of garbage that one inadvertently falls into. The cast are wonderful and Emma Thompson is, as usual, magnificent. A must watch for the festive season!

Die Hard - which I found surprisingly enjoyable! Tom enjoys movies that aren’t Christmas movies strictly speaking but that are set at Christmas, which this movie is…and it’s really good fun, which I wasn’t expecting.

The Holiday - my pick, as it’s one of my favourite Christmas films, and which we both really enjoyed! This Christmas Eve we too will be having fettuccine, popping some bubbly and celebrating being young and being alive!

Happiest Season - another Netflix discovery of last Christmas, which we were saving for a rewatch. Hilarious and heartbreaking all at once, you’ll need tissues for this one too. Dan Levy steals every scene he’s in!

About A Boy - one of our favourite films (and soundtracks) and another one that has a few Christmas scenes but not technically a Christmas film but it always feels like one!

With a week until Christmas, there’s still time for more Christmas favourites….stay tuned!

Quote of the week

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” - Joseph Campbell (mentioned in one of the Inner Peace meditations this week)

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this post, or anything else, with me, please do! I hope you’re finding things to enjoy at what I know can be a tricky time of year for many (it has been for us too) and staying warm or cool, wherever you are! xx

Please note: this blog post has affiliate links with retailers such as Booktopia which means I may receive a commission for a sale that I refer, at no extra cost to you.