Well, crack open the champagne folks.
I haven't been the most regular blogger this past year, I know, but a lot of stuff has been going on behind the scenes!
I am beyond thrilled to announce that, if you live in Australia or New Zealand, you will be able to walk into a bookstore and buy my book The Latte Years which will be published by Nero/Black Inc Books in January 2016.
This is what my publisher (!!) has to say:
Nero publishes exciting and entertaining commercial mass market books. Our authors include the iconic Diane Keaton, actor/singer Lea Michele, Oscar-winner Diablo Cody and proudly now, award-winning and popular blogger, Philippa Moore. An Australian expat residing in the UK, Philippa's forthcoming, frank memoir of weight loss and taking chances will resonate with many. Publisher Jeanne Ryckmans says: "I was taken by Philippa's candour and humour. We are thrilled to be taking Philippa from blog to book and reaching readers who will be as inspired as we were when we first read the proposal".
I am still pinching myself, to be honest. It is finally starting to sink in that this is real. After years of tapping away in Starbucks after work, scribbling during my lunch breaks, writing hundreds of thousands of words (most of which was just practice as it turned out!), it's actually HAPPENING! My book is going to be REAL and in BOOK SHOPS! This is something I've dreamed of since I was about nine years old! It's been a long, long road to this point but now that I'm here I realise it couldn't possibly have happened any sooner or any other way.
Whether you've been loyally reading my ramblings since my Melbourne days or have stumbled upon me only recently, thank you for your support and encouragement and letting me into your lives. I can't wait to share the next chapter with you all. It's going to be very exciting indeed.
In the meantime, the advice of a dear friend is to "make friends with your deadline", so that's what I'm doing!
My wonderful husband drew this in my honour this morning - insidemyfred.com
I have so much to say and share with you all, so make sure you check in again. More details coming very soon! xx