kale — Philippa Moore Blog — Philippa Moore

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best ever kale pesto

You know how when you make something that's so delicious you just want to eat it all the time? 

Make this pesto and you'll understand!

And as usual, with a Phil recipe, it makes a lot! I got large jars and enough for a decent amount on toast with this batch.

Best ever kale pesto

250g curly kale

80g basil leaves (roughly two packets)

Small bunch parsley (roughly 80g)

50g pine nuts + 100g walnuts + handful of almonds (you could just use 160g nuts of your choice, this particular combo is very tasty)

Juice of 1 medium lemon

1 large clove garlic, peeled

40ml extra virgin olive oil

125ml filtered water

Salt (I use Pink Himalayan salt) and pepper

If you prefer the nuts toasted, toast them first in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Set aside. I love the flavour of toasted nuts and would recommend you do it if you have time. When you're in  a rush, you can just skip that step but it will still taste amazing. 

Place the kale in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until finely chopped. You need to do this first because, unless you have some industrial sized food processor, you won't be able to fit the rest of the ingredients in there until the kale has broken down a bit.

Add the basil and parsley. Pulse again.

Add the remaining ingredients apart from the water and oil.

Get the motor running and put the oil and then the water into the drip feed container at the top on the food processor's lid. Process until the oil and water has dripped through and the pesto is smooth enough to your liking. You can add more water if you want it less thick.

Spoon into jars and keep refrigerated. Lasts well up to two weeks (if it lasts that long!)

Enjoy it any way you like - I have eaten it with pasta, gnocchi, on toast, as a dip, dolloped in soup, stirred through risotto. It's so versatile and delicious and you'll seriously be thinking of an excuse to make it every single weekend! 



