destiny — Philippa Moore Blog — Philippa Moore

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yet to be written


I had every intention of starting 2020 with the old year reflected upon and released, and the new one all manifested and mapped out. But life (my life certainly) is never that neat.

To be honest, the last days of 2019 were just spent soaking up the company of my husband and our family; in the sunshine and the ocean; singing in the car as we drove to the beach; in my garden, watering and weeding; in my kitchen, cooking; reading, listening to music, chilling out and dreaming. Marvelling at how different our lives are compared to two years ago (or even one year ago) and the courage it took to make those changes. Feeling grateful for everything. All the opportunities, all the surprises, all the leaps and risks that paid off, and even the ones that didn’t.

My aim when I started a daily meditation practice was to be in the present more. To dwell less on the past. To not live so much in the future. I guess I got my wish!

But what I know for sure is that if you want to set a goal and make a change, you don’t have to wait for January 1st to do it. The power to transform your life is always inside you and you can access it any time you like.

So here’s to 2020 and all the waiting blank pages. I wonder what they will be filled with.