the latte years is out today! — Philippa Moore

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the latte years is out today!

My book, The Latte Years, is officially out in Australia and New Zealand TODAY! 

It’s a time of year where a lot of people find themselves thinking about their lives, what they might like to change and do differently in the year ahead. While I don’t think you have to wait for a new year to start changing things, my aim in writing The Latte Years was to share my own story of transformation and growth, and to give hope to anyone who feels a bit stuck or powerless in their life, wanting to change but feeling too overwhelmed to even start.

I know exactly how that feels, because I've been there.

In 2005, I was, as Cheryl Strayed brilliantly put it, ‘a free spirit who didn’t have the balls to be free.’ Due to my low confidence, insecurities and fear of change, my life had moved in very unsatisfying directions. I was overweight and out of shape, breathless after climbing a flight of stairs. I was married to someone I loved but who I knew deep down didn’t want the same things as me. I yearned to see the world but the furthest I’d ever been from my hometown was Queensland. I thought this was as good as it was ever going to get. And I was only 24.

As the fog slowly lifted, I could see why things were the way they were - but that I could change them.  In fact, only I could change them.

The Latte Years is the story of how I did that, and what happened next! (clue: lots of things).

But it’s not a “fat to fit” memoir, because that has only ever been one part of my story. Most weight loss success stories finish with getting to goal, the happy ever after. It wasn’t like that for me at all. In fact, merely weeks after I reached my goal, my life as I knew it was over.  

What happens after the ‘after’ photo is taken? That’s what The Latte Years is really about. 

It’s about going through a divorce in your twenties; starting afresh in a new city and a new country; the nuances, joys and pains of friendships; learning how to love and trust again after you’ve been hurt; the dark side of success; being true to yourself; the search for wholeness, freedom and empowerment and how you can find it in the most unexpected places.

The Latte Years was not a book I intended to write, but ended up being one that I had to write. We don’t choose our stories, they choose us. It’s the twist in the plot you don’t see coming at the time, but ends up being clearly the way things were meant to be all along.

I hope The Latte Years encourages you to cross your own finishing line, whatever it might be.

If you want to get yourself, and every single one of your friends (!), a copy, here's how:

Paperback, in Australia and New Zealand: your local bookstore should have a copy. If they haven't got it in yet, ask them to order it!
Or online, Booktopia

Paperback, rest of the world: it hasn’t been released in bookstores in the UK or US yet but if you’d still like a physical copy you can get one from Book Depository (they ship worldwide) and it also looks like you can get a paperback copy on Amazon US and Amazon UK.

E-book/Kindle:  Amazon UKAmazon USKoboiBooks

Audio book (released 21 January) by Audible

If you get a copy, please tweet me, Facebook me or insta me (and hashtag #thelatteyears) - I’d love to see where it is in the world and who is reading it!

Thank you so much for all the support and being a special part of this journey. I am so grateful for you all xx