TED talks

true mirrors: the best TED talk ever

I'm a huge fan of TED talks. When I was freelancing full time, I used to start my working day by listening to one to get myself in the appropriate headspace for the day. They have such a great range of accomplished speakers, not just people in creative fields but in science, business, philanthropy, sport....you could watch a different one every day for a year and still not be all the way through them!

 The way I see it, we're all here to inspire each other. The energy, wisdom and ideas of these TED speakers really fires me up and keeps me going.

This one I watched for the first time earlier this year and I think, despite having watching so many TED talks, it's probably the best one I've ever seen. 

In fact, as I've just noticed, this one technically is a "TEDx" talk - which are, according to TED, programmes of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience, to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. This one actually took place in Milton Keynes, not far out of London.

Yes, yes, it's 26 minutes but it's so worth it. Go and make a cup of tea or, if it's the appropriate hour, a gin and tonic. Get comfy. Maybe have a pen and notebook handy!

I think the art of being yourself is definitely an idea worth spreading.